Friday, June 5, 2015

"Ha det bra!"

When my grandmother said "goodbye" to us she would often use a Norwegian phrase...

"Ha det bra!" 

Which technically is not a means "Have it good!"  I am especially reminded of this today...the last day of school (a sad & happy day) for the year 2014-15.

In many Native American languages there is no word for "goodbye"...only "see you" or "see you soon". Can a word ever separate the learning, dialogue, and memories we've shared with each other in school this year?

I say "no!"

So since I am not really good at goodbyes, let's just say "Ha det bra!" and "Kill the Jellyfish!"

A Poem written by Mary Tallmountain...

“There Is No Word for Goodbye”

Sokoya, I said, looking through the net of wrinkles into wise black pools of her eyes.
What do you say in Athabascan when you leave each other?
What is the word for goodbye?

A shade of feeling rippled the wind-tanned skin.
Ah, nothing, she said, watching the river flash.

She looked at me close. We just say, Tlaa. That means, “see you.”
We never leave each other.

When does your mouth say goodbye to your heart?
She touched me light as a bluebell.
You forget when you leave us; you're so small then.

We don't use that word.
We always think you're coming back, but if you don't,
we'll see you some place else.
You understand.

There is no word for goodbye.

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